
Helpful Websites

This page is a listing of websites I think are helpful in our practice of office based oral surgery. Obviously its not an exhaustive list and is a  dynamic page that will have additions as we move forward. Please let me know if you have a page you would like me to add.



FairHealth Consumer

FairHealth Consumer is a comprehensive online platform that offers users access to an extensive database of dental costs in the United States, sorted by zip code.  I use this site to get an idea on the fees being charged in my area. This information helps me determine my practice fee schedule based on the ranges of fees provided.




ICD10Data.com is a comprehensive online resource for the International Classification of Diseases, 10th Revision (ICD-10). It offers a user-friendly interface to search ICD-10 codes. I use it for diagnosis codes in my notes and when submitting medical insurance claims. 



Orthopedic Premedication Guidelines

Orthopedic Guidelines is a website that helps dentists with appropriate use criteria for pre-surgical antibiotics.